Australia, New Zealand, 2022, 90 min
Directed by: Tim Worrall, Richard Curtis, Renae Maihi, Miki Magasiva, Mario Gaoa, Chantelle Burgoyne, Beck Cole, Tracey Rigney, Danielle Maclean, Dena Curtis
Screenplay: Tiraroa Reweti, Tracey Rigney, Renae Maihi, Samuel Nuggin-Paynter, Danielle Maclean, Dena Curtis, Tim Worrall, Richard Curtis, Miki Magasiva, Mario Gaoa
Director of Photography: Eric Murray Lui
Edited by: Roland Gallois
Cast: Meyne Wyatt, Megan Wilding, Clarence Ryan, Robert Taylor, Sean Mununggurr, Leonie Whyman, Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne, Villa Lemanu, Lisa Flanagan, Calvin Tuteao, Evander Brown, Willow Rupapera
A film made by indigenous filmmakers from Australia and New Zealand in response to the anniversary of James Cook‘s landing in Australia. In eight intriguingly interwoven stories from the past, present and future, the film shows the impact of 250 years of colonialism on the indigenous people of Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.